Champagne Michel Fagot - Rilly-la-Montagne

Adresse: 2 Rue Jean Jaurès, 51500 Rilly-la-Montagne, France.
Téléphone: 326466230.
Site web:
Spécialités: Établissement vinicole.
Autres données d'intérêt: Livraison, Entrée accessible en fauteuil roulant, Parking accessible en fauteuil roulant.
Avis : Cette entreprise a 91 avis sur Google My Business.
Avis moyen: 4.8/5.

Emplacement de Champagne Michel Fagot

Le Champagne Michel Fagot, situé à 2 Rue Jean Jaurès, 51500 Rilly-la-Montagne, France., es un establecimiento vinícola que ofrece una experiencia única en la región de Champagne. Con una rica historia y tradición en la producción de champagne, el Champagne Michel Fagot es conocido por su excelente calidad y sabor distintivo.

Características y ubicación:

El Champagne Michel Fagot es un negocio familiar que se remonta a 1950. La bodega se encuentra en Rilly-la-Montagne, un encantador pueblo en el corazón de la región de Champagne. Los visitantes pueden realizar una visita guiada por las instalaciones y conocer de cerca el proceso de producción de champagne, desde la vendimia hasta el embotellado.

La bodega ofrece una amplia gama de champagnes, desde el brut a los vintage, todos elaborados con uvas seleccionadas de la región. Los visitantes pueden disfrutar de una cata de vinos y aprender a apreciar las notas y aromas únicos de cada botella.

Información recomendada:

Si estás buscando una experiencia auténtica en la región de Champagne, el Champagne Michel Fagot es una parada obligatoria. La bodega ofrece servicio de entrega, lo que significa que puedes disfrutar de su champagne en la comodidad de tu hogar. Además, el establecimiento cuenta con acceso en silla de ruedas y parking para facilitar el acceso a todos los visitantes.

Opiniones y media de opinión:

El Champagne Michel Fagot tiene una excelente reputación en línea, con una media de 4.8/5 en 91 opiniones en Google My Business. Los visitantes elogian la calidad del champagne y la amabilidad del personal, haciendo de esta bodega una opción popular para los entusiastas del vino y los viajeros.

Recomendación final:

Si estás buscando una experiencia auténtica en la región de Champagne, no te pierdas el Champagne Michel Fagot. Desde la visita guiada hasta la cata de vinos, la bodega ofrece una experiencia única y memorable. Para obtener más información y realizar una reserva, visita su sitio web en Te recomendamos encarecidamente que visites el Champagne Michel Fagot y descubras por ti mismo la magia de la región de Champagne

Avis de Champagne Michel Fagot

Champagne Michel Fagot - Rilly-la-Montagne

Nous étions un groupe de 16 personnes et avons participé à une visite de cave de 2 heures.
La visite était passionnante, les informations fournies étaient claires et bien présentées.
Concernant la dégustation des 3 coupes de champagne, cela aurait pu être plus agréable si le champagne était plus frais.

Il est important de noter que l'expérience n'est pas adaptée aux enfants, car on ne leur propose que de l'eau ou un peu de sirop, sans espace spécialement dédié pour eux, contrairement à d'autres visites d'exploitation que nous avons pu faire sur d'autres sites.

Malgré cela, l'ensemble de la visite était enrichissante et nous a offert un aperçu fascinant du processus de production

Champagne Michel Fagot - Rilly-la-Montagne
Nikki Jones

Private tour was hosted by Sparkling Tours. This winery specializes in non-chemical organic processes. The owner really cares about our planet. We enjoyed our tasting, their champagnes are bold.

Champagne Michel Fagot - Rilly-la-Montagne
Laetitia Webb

In response to your reply… we both know you’re covering your back with lies the timings were not as you stated, however don’t worry we will never be returning to your establishment EVER. You don’t mention the absolutely tiny glass rip offs that were not full size samples. Please note that short of time doesn’t have to mean rude! I’m often rushed off my feet as an events organiser all the time but it’s my job to remain polite and welcoming.

Original review: Sadly, although this vineyard was the main reason we returned to the area, on this occasion we had a terrible experience and left without purchasing anything other than tastings.

We previously stayed in Reims and booked a guided out of the champagne region, the last stop was MF in Rilly-La-Montagne.

We were really taken by the champagne, at the time, and the modern tastings rooms so took a 7hr drive from the UK to return to the area.

However today we were charged €19 for 3 teaspoons of champagne (sold as glasses but just dribbles in a glass). No explanation, then being asked to drink up and move on (they had a tour booked, ok no problem).

This feels like a commercial entity around tours first, champagne second.

If you’re on a tour they will look after you, provide gift boxes, the “experience” you want - great.

If you’re looking to visit to buy larger quantities, they won’t give you the same attention, and in fact came over quite rudely and dismissively.

In our 3 days in Rilly this was the only champagne house that we bought absolutely nothing except tiny over priced samples. Because we were made to feel unwelcome and their champagne was inferior to others we tried.

We bought a Jeroboam from another house around the corner, and many cases from local houses, yet Michel were sadly dismissive of us as individuals, as we were not tour guests.

However MF do have the most beautiful tasting rooms. But looks can be deceiving.

With 6000 champagne houses to explore in the region, this will be our second and last visit to MF. I would describe their champagne as style over substance.

My advice would be to try others locally, their tasting rooms might not be as glamorous but their champagnes are vastly superior.

Champagne Michel Fagot - Rilly-la-Montagne
Sandrine MONCADA

Maison de champagne très accueillante.
Visite très professionnelle merci à Léa pour ses explications très investies.
Belle découverte je recommande

Champagne Michel Fagot - Rilly-la-Montagne
Séverine Pierrot

Nous avons été accueillis avec chaleur et sourire.
La dégustation de champagne a été bien expliquée et moment indispensable pour choisir son champagne du mieux possible.
Une cave à visité sur la Route touristique du Champagne.

Champagne Michel Fagot - Rilly-la-Montagne
John Mullis

Really enjoyed the tasting here! Loved the underground cellar it was amazing

Champagne Michel Fagot - Rilly-la-Montagne
LC Collins

Very nice place to taste some very good champagne. I came here on a champagne tour which I do recommend for everyone. My tour guide was awesome ? and I had a great time at Michel Fagot.

Champagne Michel Fagot - Rilly-la-Montagne
Gábor Kertes

Very good quality of champaigns on a resonable price. My personal favourite was the rose one!
Super friendly and extremely professional cellar guidance. You can approach the cellar by taxi or even 15 min ride with train from Reims.
If you look for a non-super-touristic but a place with a good athmosphere, I highly recommend you to reserve your visit in advance. ?

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